Looking for a unique and attractive rose bouquet? The Flower Delight is the perfect choice for you. An eye-catching combination of the freshest Red and Yellow Roses arranged together is sure to grab some attention, whether you decide to display them on a tabletop, or anywhere else in the house.
The Flower Delight bouquet is crafted by our most skilled florists into a beautiful arrangement, completed with Golden Solidago and Variegated Pitt, all neatly placed inside a cube vase.
Red roses have always been considered to be the greatest symbol of love and romance, while the color yellow in a flower denotes friendliness, closeness, affection, and general favorability. Together, a mixture of these two creates a perfect present for celebratory occasions like a Birthday, a Success Party, or any other happy occasion. From your parents, siblings, and other family members, to friends, neighbors or your love interest, this Flower Delight bouquet will make a great gift for all!
8 yellow roses
4 stem red spray roses
Variegated Pitt
golden solidago
Since we place the utmost importance on using only fresh and the best quality flowers in all our flower bouquets and floral arrangements, based on availability, the actual product design, colors, varieties, and container may slightly vary from the picture shown above.
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